Shivanti Finserv

Privacy Policy

Shivanti Finserv Pvt. Ltd. understands that you have entrusted us with personal information that is both important and confidential. We take our responsibility to protect your information extremely seriously. We are committed to keeping non-public personal information about you secure and confidential.

We thank you for entrusting us with your financial affairs, and we are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our online customers, mobile and site visitors. Establishing and adhering to an effective privacy policy is an important part of that dedication. When you interact with Shivanti Finserv or any of its affiliates, through websites and mobile applications, owned and controlled by Shivanti Finserv, Shivanti Finserv handles personal information in accordance with the practices and safeguards described in our Privacy Policy.

This online privacy policy explains what information about you we collect, and how we use and protect it in mobile and internet commerce. Our online and mobile privacy practices strictly abide by the terms of our privacy notice.

Quality Policy

— Continue to achieve high levels of satisfaction for our clients and help them achieve their financial goals through right investment advice and excellent service.

— We aim to make financial products easily accessible and understandable to all. We are committed to deliver the highest quality solutions to meet our clients investment needs.

— To realize this, we strive to continually review and update our processes, improve the competence of human resources and effectiveness of quality management systems, ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements, and optimize technology and infrastructure, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction.

— Being responsive to internal and external issues which influence our organizational performance

— Review the Quality Policy periodically to ensure it remains appropriate to the scope of the Organization.

— Ensure full compliance to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 QMS requirements and continually improve the system.

The Top Management will review the Quality Policy from time to time. Our clients’ growth is our objective.

How we collect information from you

From time to time, we may collect a variety of personal information about you, including:

— Information we receive from you on applications and forms, via the telephone, and through our websites;

— Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others (such as your purchases, sales, or account balances)

Generally, you may visit anonymously and obtain information about our Company and products and services without providing any personal information. However, in a few sections of our website, we ask you to provide information that will enable us to enhance your site visit or to follow up with you after your visit. It is completely optional for you to participate. We collect personal information from you in a number of ways:

Account Opening and Registration: We collect information from you when you request to open an account or register with You will also be asked for information when you choose to register with Shivanti Finserv. The information we collect may include your name, phone number, email address, country, and city as well as details about your interests and investments. You will be asked if you choose to receive special offers, promotions and reports. You will also be asked for a login name, password or password validation and other personal information that is needed to register or subscribe you to services or offers.

Request a Callback: We ask for your name and contact details if you wish to inquire about our services or open an account on various pages of the website through Request a Callback Form.

Contact Us: When you request us to contact you through Contact Us Form, we ask you for some personal details which may include your name, email address, address, phone numbers and your comments.

Website usage: When you visit our website, our computer may use devices known as “cookies,” graphic interchange format files (GIFs), or other similar web tools to enhance your web experience. These tools enable us to recognize you when you return to our site, maintain your web session while you browse, as well as help us provide you with a better, more personalized experience at Shivanti Finserv.

How is the collected information used?

The personal information you provide is kept confidential and used to support our customer relationship with you. We may use the information you provide to improve our services to you, to provide you with products you have requested, to inform you about additional products or services that may be of interest to you and to inform you of special offers or upgrades.

If you do not want to receive information about special offers, upgrades, newsletter, mailing list from or its affiliates, you are given the opportunity to unsubscribe for the emails or opt-out from the calls you receive and we will ensure you are not contacted further, unless you wish to.

The personal data of customers and website visitors is stored indefinitely and may be collected and processed in one or more databases maintained directly or indirectly by By providing personal information to, you agree and understand that and its affiliates may access, store, and use this information for a variety of purposes including identification, registration, authentication and marketing.

We do not sell your personal information to third parties.

Information sharing within the Shivanti Finserv of companies

We selectively share your information with Shivanti Finserv Pvt. Ltd. affiliates. Shivanti Finserv is part of the Shivanti Finserv Family of financial services companies. Shivanti Finserv and its affiliates together offer you a host of financial services and products to help you meet your financial goals.

Many clients within the Shivanti Finserv family of companies do business with more than one affiliate of Shivanti Finserv to meet individual needs. When appropriate, Shivanti Finserv may share information we collect about you within our family of companies to help you serve better.

How we share information about you outside of the Shivanti Finserv

We do not disclose your non-public personal information, except as permitted by applicable law or regulation. For example, we may share this information with others in order to process your transactions. We may also provide this information to companies that perform services on our behalf, such as printing and mailing, marketing survey, or to other financial institutions with whom we have joint marketing agreements. We will require these companies to protect the confidentiality of this information and to use it only to perform the services for which we hired them.

We provide access to information about you to outside companies and other third parties in certain limited circumstances, including:

— To help us process transactions for your account;

When we use another company to provide services for us, such as printing and mailing your account statements;

When we believe that disclosure is required or permitted under law. For example, we may be required to disclose personal information to cooperate with regulatory or law enforcement authorities, to resolve consumer disputes, or for risk control; we will whenever called upon to do so, disclose your personal information to any Government, Central or State, local or public or regulatory authority such as the Securities and Exchanges Board of India (SEBI), Reserve Bank of India (RBI) or such other authority;

When we enter into a joint marketing agreement with another financial institution in order to provide you with an Shivanti Finserv Pvt. Ltd. (or other Shivanti Finserv affiliate-branded) financial product or service. We only make such agreements with companies that we believe can help us provide a financial product or service that will benefit you;

When we believe that in order to help you serve better we may appoint an outside agency to take feedback from you on how you feel about our products and services and similar information.

Safeguarding Your Information

We take precautions to ensure the information we collect about you is protected and is accessed only by authorized individuals or organizations.

Greater Accuracy

We are committed to keeping accurate, up-to-date records to help ensure the integrity of the information we maintain about you. If you identify an inaccuracy in your personal information, or if you need to make a change to it, please contact us promptly by calling 0731-3016100/101.


Authentication is the process that our clients and registered users go through to access secure areas of our Website. This process takes place when you log into your account. The two key components of login are your Login ID and Password.

Login ID: Our system generates an automatic login ID for you which is emailed at your correspondence address.

Passwords: We maintain strict rules to help prevent others from guessing your password, and recommend that you change your password periodically. Your password must meet the following criteria:

— Atleast 6 characters long

— Include both letters and numbers

In addition, for your protection, repeated unsuccessful attempts to log in will cause your online access to be disabled. Once this happens your password must be reset. If this happens to you inadvertently, please follow the instructions under “Forgot your password” on the Login page.

Social Media

Shivanti Finserv maintains information on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. When you post information on Shivanti Finserv social media pages it will be subject to the privacy and security conditions of the social media site. When you log into Shivanti Finserv owned social media properties, we collect information about your activities on those properties. The information we review includes whether you visited or commented on a blog or provided a rating.

Shivanti Finserv mobile applications are not socially enabled and do not allow you to connect to and share information with a community of other users, such as Facebook or Twitter, or the general public, such as You Tube.

Public Forums

The website contains public forums, message/boards and/or news groups available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information. Shivanti Finserv will not be responsible in case of any misuse of information available in these forums or message boards.

Cookies and other tracking devices

We use cookies to assist us in securing your trading activities and to enhance the performance of our website. (Cookies are small text files sent from the Web server to your computer.) Cookies used by Shivanti Finserv do not contain any personal information nor do they contain account, PIN, or password information.

Cookies also may be placed by third parties when you access their sites through linking from this website. We do not have access to these cookies or any information that these cookies may contain. Please contact the third-party site for more information on these cookies. We are not responsible for the actions or policies of such parties.

Shivanti Finserv may share website usage information about visitors to the website with reputable advertising companies for targeting our Internet banner advertisements on this site and other sites. For this purpose pixel tags or other web tools may be used to note the pages you’ve visited. The information collected by the advertising company through the use of these tools is not personally identifiable. These advertising companies have their own privacy policies.

To administer and improve the Shivanti Finserv website, we may use a third party to track and analyze usage and volume statistical information, including page requests, form requests, and click paths. All data collected for this purpose is owned and used by Shivanti Finserv. The third party may use cookies to track behavior and may set cookies on behalf of Shivanti Finserv. These cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information.

Privacy Statement to the sites to which we link

Shivanti Finserv Pvt. Ltd. site contains links to and from other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of websites to which we link and have no control of the use or protection of information provided by you or collected by those sites. Whenever you elect to link to a co-branded website or to a linked website, you may be asked to provide registration or other information. Please note that the information you are providing is going to a third party and you should familiarize yourself with the privacy policy provided by that third party.